Publication Ethics


Al-Rā'id is committed to upholding the highest standards of scholarly publication ethics. These guidelines are designed to ensure the integrity of the research published in the journal and to protect the rights of authors, reviewers, and readers.


  • Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant intellectual contribution to the work. This includes conception and design of the study, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, or manuscript writing.
  • All authors should have approved the final submitted version and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
  • Authorship disputes should be communicated to the journal editor promptly.

Originality and Plagiarism

  • Submitted manuscripts must be original work that has not been previously published elsewhere, except as an abstract or a presentation.
  • Authors must properly cite all sources used in their research.
  • Al-Rā'id has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. Manuscripts with any evidence of plagiarism will be rejected.

Peer Review

  • Al-Rā'id utilizes a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise in the relevant field and are expected to maintain confidentiality throughout the process.
  • Reviewers should provide constructive feedback on the originality, methodology, results, and discussion of the manuscript.
  • Authors are expected to respond to reviewers' comments in a professional and timely manner.

Research Ethics

  • All research involving human subjects must comply with relevant ethical guidelines, including informed consent and participant anonymity.
  • Research involving animals must adhere to established animal welfare protocols.
  • Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their research or its interpretation.

Data Availability

  • Authors are encouraged to make their data publicly available, where possible, to promote transparency and reproducibility of research findings.
  • Data access statements should be included in the manuscript, specifying how interested researchers can access the data.

Post-Publication Correction

  • Al-Rā'id is committed to correcting any errors or omissions that may be discovered in published articles. Errata or corrigenda will be published promptly to ensure the accuracy of the scientific record.


  • In rare cases, articles may be retracted if there is evidence of serious ethical misconduct, such as plagiarism, data fabrication, or authorship fraud.
  • Retractions will be clearly marked and accompanied by a retraction notice explaining the reason for the withdrawal.

Authorship Transfer

  • Authorship changes should be requested before the manuscript is accepted for publication. All authors involved must agree to the change.

Expectations for Reviewers

  • Reviewers should provide timely, fair, and objective feedback on submitted manuscripts.
  • Reviewers must maintain confidentiality of the entire review process.
  • Reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their assessment of the manuscript.

Expectations for Authors

  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality and accuracy of their work.
  • Authors should disclose all sources of funding and potential conflicts of interest.
  • Authors are expected to respond promptly and professionally to reviewers' comments and editorial decisions.
  • Authors must comply with these publication ethics guidelines.


Al-Rā'id believes that adherence to these publication ethics guidelines is essential for maintaining the integrity of the scholarly record and fostering trust in the research community. We encourage authors, reviewers, and readers to uphold these principles and to report any suspected violations to the journal editor.